Announcing the Winners of the 2020 !Short Story Contest!

Never one to waste time,
the Grand-Prize Winner is:

“Upside Down” by Aditya Guatam

And the two Runners-Ups are:

“Okoloma” by Bryan Joe Okwesili


“Blonde Noir” by DC Diamondopolous

What a contest it has been.

With but a dozen hits shy of 13,000 visits since we announced the finalists on June 25th, that divides into 173 hits per day. On the last day of Fan Voting, alone, we had 2,160 visits

Fan Voting was more essential than ever to the results, since one of our judges dropped out. All three of our winners received the three Fan Votes– and all three of the prizes resulted in draws that had to be broken by the Fan Vote.

In just two weeks of voting, we received 5,243 Fan Votes.
You can see the Fan Voting breakdown by story, here.

How our Judges Voted:

Each Grand Prize vote counts as two Runner-up votes. Draws are decided by Fan Voting.

Glenn A. Bruce:
selected “Sore Must Be the Storm” for the Grand-Prize
as well as “The Omelet Maker” and “Upside Down” for Runner-ups.

Suvi Mahonen:
selected “Okoloma” for the Grand Prize
and “The Omelet Maker” and “Burning Monkfish” as Runner-ups.

Lady Moet Beast:
selected “Pig Meat” for the Grand Prize
as well as “Blonde Noir” and “Burning Monkfish” for Runner-ups.

And the Fan Vote:
chose “Upside Down” (with 2544 votes) for the Grand Prize
and “Okoloma” (with 1996 votes) and “Blonde Noir” (with 1948 votes) as Runner-Ups.

As you can see– this was a very close contest. There was a two-way tie for the Grand Prize, and a five way tie for the remaining Runner-up spot.

I told you to vote early and to vote often!

So keep surfing through, Lovers of Literature.

Our three annual contests conclude Labor Day (U.S.), MLK Day (U.S.) and May Day (May 3rd)– with at least two weeks of Fan Voting to precede.

Stick around for our Autumn publication lineup,
followed by the FLASH SUITE Contest
for which submission is now open!

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