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Welcome to the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest

What, what, what a contest we shall crowd into the ballrooms and arenas of the internet this Winter.  There will be magic and there will be mayhem; there will be candied treats, yes, yes; and slobbering and belching– and a truce brought on by not sharing soup.  A hint at the chance of a possibility for rebirth also will be there. We will laugh heartily at the foibles of the rich exactly as heartily as we will laugh at the foibles of the not so very rich.  Young people will die.  Old folks will be remembered, in one way or another.  Some will find God, in one place or another, and some will find what the opposite of that is (enjoy your holiday season, everyone, but it will become increasingly less joyful on with this 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest– most merrily so!– oh, how merrily we will sorrow!)

For– from the trailer park to the ice-skating rink to the town marketplace– from 3rd century B.C.E. Han Dynasty through more recent, less benign, Imperialist escapades– through evictions and through memory that falls like leaves and through sickness that sunders civilization, itself– Art will give birth; Art will unify continents; Art will keep lamps lit.  Art will heal.  So enjoy this year’s contest, Lovers of Literature, enjoy as hard as you can.

Winners now announced.
Publishing in order of first submission:

Plain Old Magic
by Sasha A. Palmer
posting December 1st-6th

Tribute to Jan Masaryk with Love and Gravitas
by John Kaufmann
posting December 7th-10th

The Wall– a Perspective in Three Stories
by Jeaninne Escallier Kato
posting December 11th-13th

When a Maenad…
by Allison Floyd
posting December 14th-18th

Maple Leaf Souls
by Nickolas Urpí
posting December 19th-21st

The Rustle of Silence
by Onyeike Chidinma
posting December 22nd-24th

MacDuffy Suite
by Tom Ray
posting December 25th-27th

The First Empress
by Long Tang
posting December 28th-31st

FAN VOTING: January 1st- January 16th

Be sure to join us New Years Eve
and into New Years Day
as we begin Fan Voting with a
! internet party !

Meet the Finalists, here.
Be sure to Meet the Judges

And read our concrete and very specific Guidelines

Thanks for surfing through, Lovers of Literature;
remember us next time.

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