Welcome, Lovers of Literature
— welcome, welcome–
you are so very, very welcome
all, indeed, are welcome to the

2022 !Short Story Contest!

only on Defenestrationism.net

Winners now announced

Mercy, mercy me– great leaping Christmas– my sweet picnic grove– howdy my dead great aunt.  What a contest.

In this 2022 !Short Story Contest!, only on Defenestrationism.net , we have space-traveling, chain-smoking journalists, we have killer doodlers, draconian caregivers, and we have Femme Fatales with ideation.  Something very much like the birth and corporatization of the internet is here, as well as extremely pressing societal commentary– both globally character-driven and intensely personal on a nationwide platform.  And we might just find Jesus through Goofy.

So let’s write this new decade right.

And, by all means– by the undying nature of humankind, by our indelible capacity for art-making, by our new (Post-)Covid zeitgeist– by all means necessary, enjoy this year’s contest.

The stories will be posting every Sunday
across July, through August and into September,
around or about 3pm Eastern Standard Time.

Publication Schedule:

June 26th
The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved
by Bobby Harrell

July 3rd
Dream Valuation
by Lucy Zhang

July 10th
Precious Package
by Greg Nooney

July 17th
The Moth
by Robert Bagnall

July 24th
Batwoman on the Brink
by Ginger Dehlinger

July 31st
Pingbell Arena
by Brad Kelechava

August 7th
50 Miles South of Disney
by Steve Loiaconi

August 14th
If Anything Changes
by Ross West

August 21st- September 3rd
Winners Announced
Labor Day (US), which is September 5th

Meet the Finalists
— including our Defenestrationism tradition of
a photo of our author’s favorite chair–
Meet the Judges
Contest Guidelines

So thnx for surfing through, Lovers of Literature–
remember us next time.

more contests on Defenestrationism.net
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