Seeking a New Co-editor for
Most sadly, our long time monitor and co-editor, our own Wild-Wild-West Gunslinger and policy maker in general
— who calls herself simply eatstuf—
is hanging up her ePistols and retiring from her duties at — effective immediately after selecting the Finalists for this Summer’s contest.
!So let us make Lemonaide! Turn this into an opportunity for some sweet new voices on the site.
We are seeking a new co-editor to read submissions and co-select the Finalists for our two annual fiction contests on . As we seek balance in the two voices making aesthetic decisions on our editing staff, we hope to maintain a diverse gender dynamic. Since owner, remaining co-editor Paul-Newell Reaves self-identifies as a Male voice, we are only seeking Female or Trans-Gender voices for this position. Fiction does not happen in an Identity vacuum. Sorry guys.
This will henceforth be a paid position. See below.
Reading, as soon as received, all qualifying submissions to both annual fiction contests on : the !Short Story Contest! reads from April- June, and FLASH SUITE Contest from June- October.
Along with co-editor Paul-Newell Reaves, coming to an agreement on the selection of three to eight Finalists for each of the two annual contests. This must be reached within two weeks of close of each reading period.
Workload does vary from reading period to reading period, and also fluctuates year to year. For this reason, compensation will be based on number of qualifying submissions per reading period. Contact us for prior submission statistics and our budget for site staff. Selected co-editor will also receive a small bonus for each contest at the time that Finalists are agreed upon.
No long term commitment necessary. may choose to ask selected co-editor to return. Selected co-editor may choose to leave after any contest, only after all duties are fulfilled.
We are a small– though still quite popular— operation: we require no reading fees, ask for no donations, refuse to run ads, and are not approved as Non-Profit. Basically, what I’m saying, this position won’t pay your rent; but, maybe, a decent dinner for two?– if you don’t drink too much?– twice a year?– (since we host two contests every year).
If interested, please send resume or CV– along with any and all questions, comments, complaints or anecdotes– to:
— that’s,
PNRenterpriZes [at] gmail [dot] com
Most importantly, carefully prepare a few links to or files of your favorite writings– published or not, either written by your favorite authors or by yourself.
And please do surf our site some–
especially our very specific guidelines for each contest (see burgundy links above),
and, perhaps, these finalists from 2016 and 2013.
Also, check this recent post for our traffic numbers the last week of May, 2019.
Go home—
includes some longer-term traffic statistic averages

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