Excellent Traffic for the 2022 FLASH SUITE Contest
!What excellent traffic for our ongoing FLASH SUITE Contest!
In but the 30 days since our finalists were announced,
Defenestrationism.net has received 4,252 hits from 1,720 unique IPs,
for a daily average of 140 visits.
That’s before Fan Voting even begins– and it’s bound to be a hot one,
so vote early and vote often.
Fan Voting starts one minute after the New Year,
and you need not sign in, register or share any information at’all.
However, one vote for your favorites won’t cut it–
last winter’s contest had almost 650 votes.
So vote early, vote often.
If you’re surfing through to check our
then you have but mere hours left to submit your polished work,
until it is no longer January 1st, anywhere on Earth.
Our recent traffic numbers have also had a boost from two external links to one of our favorite special publications,
Tara Campbell’s “Angels and Blueberries“
— one link is from the Reedsy.com blog entry on Flash Fiction,
and another from schoology.net —
so congrats to Tara, her work on Defenestrationism.net is both being studied by elementary school students and aspired to by professional writers.
I wonder which she’s most proud of?
And how ’bout you, dear Lovers of Literature–
which would your wildest literary ambitions prefer?
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