Welcome to 2021
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen and Everyone Else–
welcome to Defenestrationism.net .
We are pleased to present to you,
[wild applause]
Traffic Update for the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest:
in 31 days of daily posts, we received
3,913 visits from 1,450 unique IPs
— before Fan Voting even began.
What a contest indeed.
Now available on the menu, somewhere around here,
FAN VOTING is now open
for the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest
— and it will stay open until January 16th.
And here’s what we’ll be publishing in 2021
on Defenestrationism.net :
January 1st-16th,
Fan Voting for the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest
January 3rd- March 28th,
The Bridge That Would Not Burn
by Christina Rauh Fishburne
January 18th
Winners Announced for the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest
April, 2021
Lengthy Poem Contest
Who’s responsible for this mad-cap affair? Masthead
Back to the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest
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