Traffic Totals for 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
Welcome to Defenestrationism reality.
Woah… woah, woah. Wow.
What a contest– with winners now announced.
The 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest received nigh record breaking numbers: since the finalists were announced on November 3rd, 11,530 visits; 1,682 unique IPs; with Two (2) single days during fan voting with over one-thousand hits.
Actually, most of those numbers are record breaking.
So, to all you Fans and Followers, Authors and Judges, you Work-Shirkers and Surfers
— and especially to you Voters–
a big sparkly
thank you
from the bottom of the cold, wireless, internet heart
of all of us at .
Conclusion to the Lamppost Poem, now published
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