The Turning Point
prologue in five parts to the short film “Blood Run”
by Chantelle Tibbs
I fled trying to make my way through the dense crowd. A flood of people entering desperately escaping the rain pushed back against me. As I looked up ahead at her I could see everyone in her path part like the seas to make way for her to leave. Dee was royalty here among the crowd of women who would soon head home into the night without fear thanks to her. The distance between us doubled and then she was gone. I pushed forward a little further to no avail. By the time I made my way back to the entrance, she was nowhere.
“Did you find her?”
Jen pulled up an umbrella to protect me from the rain. I held it while she lit a smoke.
“I didn’t.”
“Well, at least I know you are into younger women.”
Good one, Jen.
“I might know where Dee hangs out. If only I had your number.”
Yet, another good one.
It was five days later in the middle of another sullen dinner with Dan, and I feared it could be my last, that I got her text.
Meet me at Newmans Natural Grocery. Get here as soon as you can.
Join us for PT. IV of The Turning Point on Sunday, August 27th.
Fan Voting is open for the 2023 !Short Story Contest!

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