The Toll: No, I Didn’t
by Stephen Page
read the suite from the beginning
No, I Didn’t
“You killed me!” Teresa shouted into her cellphone.
“What?” Jonathan asked innocently and bewildered. Teresa was a hot-head and a bit of a dramatist sometimes, but maybe that is partly why he loved her, her feistiness, her spirit, her hot-bloodedness—aside, of course, from her beauty, goodness, and intellectualism.
“You killed me!”
“I would never”
“I am driving, here is Santiago, your Godson.”
“Hi Jonathan.”
“Hi Santiago”
“You killed me!” Teresa shouted from the driver’s seat. Obviously, they were on speakerphone. She was in Malos Aires to get her vaccinations, and Jonathan was still in Cáscara, awaiting his notification so that he could get his vac.
“In the story you just published. You killed me!”
“Which story?”
“About the widowed man who goes on a walking adventure. I found it on my phone this morning. You killed me!”
“I, I mean him, he, is not me. He is a fictional character.”
“That is you. And you know it. Your wife is dead. You killed me.”
“It’s not me. And I never mention your name. I wrote that story before I met you. It is just a story about an old man who has been a shut-in for years after his wife died. He is a hermit because he loved his wife.”
“But she is dead. You know that’s me. The women who died.”
“No, it’s fiction. The main character loved his wife, and he loved adventure books. He went on a walking adventure shortly after he finished mourning. He thought it would be a great way for himself to experience release and closure.”
“I don’t believe you. You love living alone. You always have.”
“I am still here because I haven’t been notified that I can get my vac.”
“Liar! You hate me! You killed me! We will talk about this later!”
“OK, but . . .”
The messenger window closed. Jonathan shut his computer laptop, sat up, and moved over to his reading chair. He opened a book and began reading.
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December 28th, 2021 at 11:35 am
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