What is the Art of Throwing People Out Windows?
ed.s Paul-Newell Reaves, eatstuf, D. Glover, Tara Campbell and Chantelle Tibbs have been publishing, hosting and compiling works of
Defenestrationism– the art, or -ism, of throwing people out windows–
since 2006, at this address since 2008. In 2012 we began daily posts of the following material, garnering much of our readership today.
This readership was furthered by twelve years of annual contests, so check our
!Short Story Contest!
and four years of our
Lengthy Poem Contest
Surf from our retro navigation panel to the left.
All other links are in burgundy.
For the entirety of 2024, we received 81,786 visits
from 25,834 unique IPs.
In the month of October, 2024,
over 3,500 hits came in for one page, alone:
Angles and Blueberries by Tara Campbell–
now on curriculums of several school districts and universities.
We reached a new monthly traffic pinnacle for the entire site
in December of 2023,
with 10,184 hits from 3,006 unique IP addresses.
Defenestrationism.net has a single-day record
of exactly 2,160 visits, set September 5th, 2020
Larger numbers also occur during our
special publications, and thrice annual writing contests,
especially during fan voting for the contests.
The Defenestration of a Lamppost Named Mark
choose your own adventure in begin with the stone by EA Kane
The Bridge That Would Not Burn by Christina Rauh Fishburne
Complex Fairy Tales
from the Art of Throwing People Out Windows
ATLAS: volume 2
ATLAS: volume 1
ATLAS: volume 3
selections from Circus Magnifique
a fraction of: fevered
the surprisingly good Ravens’ Cry
the War For Hell– original draft swallowed, will right that
the Zoo Illogical Gardens
more Seasonal Publication Highlights
–Don’t Miss our exciting MULTI-MEDIA CONTENT ,
including Audio Readings, Video Readings, Drawings, Photos,
and more–
so will always remember
Voices of the Disenfranchised,
Thnx for surfing through,
Lovers of Literature.

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