The Seven Jewels

by Rev. Joe Kelly

part one.

The troop halted near the top of the rocky wash, panting, sweating. Their hands worked anxiously about the hafts of their winged spears as their eyes flickered nervously about, scanning the desert, the horizon, as they had incessantly since leaving Amul. The nomads, those human wolves of the Ogdru desert, rarely ventured this far north, into the ancient hills south of the Ogdarus Sea; but rarely was a far cry from never, and the tales of their brutish savagery, which the men had passed around for gruesome thrills while relaxing in the taverns and the courtyards of the city, now set their nerves on edge.

The captain crept a little further up the wash, and halted again to peer about carefully. There was a trap here. He could smell it, like a wolf smelling carrion a mile off.

on to part two.

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3 Responses to “The Seven Jewels”

  1. The Seven Jewels | Says:

    […] by Rev. Joe Kellyread from the beginning […]

  2. The Seven Jewels | Says:

    […] by Rev. Joe Kellyread from the beginning […]

  3. The Seven Jewels | Says:

    […] by Rev. Joe Kellyread from the beginning […]

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