The Case Notes of P.I. James: Case Notes
by John Steckley
“The axe was throwing well. I was just retrieving it from the target when I saw them: our client and Ruthie. Their wrists were fastened tightly behind their backs. Max was pushing them down the trail.
Axe in hand, I pursued them. I kept quiet and hidden in the bushes while not losing sound or sight of them. They went to where a deep hole had been dug. Max was a planner. He spoke to them harshly with words I could not hear. He drew out a gun. They cringed. It looked like the end.
I had no choice. The axe went flying through the air and between the trees. It hit his gun hand dead on. He dropped it and bent over in pain. I ran over to get the women away. Pushed Max into the hole.
Ruthie hugged me. First time ever. Then she spoke. “What an amazing throw! Hitting his hand from such a distance.”
I think I saw something more than gratitude in her eyes. I felt an emotion I hadn’t expected, but still managed to reply sarcastically, “Who said his hand was my target?”
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