In accordance with CLMP contest ethical models of visibility (not of sight/blindness, but of see-through-ness), here is
How the Judges Voted:
Our contests are judged by a four person panel, with two weeks of online fan voting counted as an additional judge vote.
First place votes are counted as two runner-up votes.
Suvi Mahonen
Winner: Milan Carl Liskart, Coalman
Runner-ups: The Egg Stealers
and Liarbird
Winner: Through the Window
Runner-ups: Liarbird
and The Blood is Where
Christian McKay Heidicker
Winner: The First Time I Painted My Nails, or, the Moose is Not an Ass
Runner-ups: SURVIVAL
and The Egg Stealers
Lady Moet Beast
Winner: The Blood is Where
Runner-ups: Liarbird
and The First Time I Painted my Nails, or, the Moose is Not an Ass
Fan Favorites
With 16.8% of the Grand Prize votes:
Liarbird by Sara Kate Ellis.
And tied at 11.6% of the Runner-up votes,
The First Time I Painted my Nails, or the Moose is Not an Ass
by Ariel Fintushel
The Egg Stealers by Sarena Ullibarri.
Owner, ed., Paul-Newell Reaves, in his duty as tie-breaker, went with the fan vote, awarding the second runner-up prize to The Egg Stealers.

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