by Richie Shiers Jr.
as read by Steve Garland
1. someone once whispered to me
that two is better than one
so I looked into the idea of polygamy
and that hit hard, suddenly:
3 (or more) pillowed beds
3 (or more) weddings rings
3 (or more) times the happiness
2. I pray that my girlfriend’s girlfriend
and my girlfriend
and myself
can all enjoy each other’s company
and kiss and frolic
in the shape of a triangle
with nothing but smiles
and equal angles at each point
3. if we don’t pay attention
then we won’t have to acknowledge
the world’s blistering shuns
we don’t need anyone to
capsize our everlasting love
so we’ll hold hands on the beach
and you can avert your attention somewhere else
because I love these girls to the bitter death
more from And Her Name Was Morphine

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