!New Year’s 2023 Internet Party!

Hoorah!– the New Year is upon us.

Keep surfing through Defenestrationism.net,
as you vote for Fan Favorites in the FLASH SUITE Contest.
We’ll be counting down time zones across the night and into the New Year.

We must begin on a somber note.

It is now 2 in the morning in the Ukraine.
Let us all join our wishes for the best out of 2023.

It is now 3 in the morning in Yemen.
Let us all join our wishes for the best out of 2023.

It is now 3 in the morning in Ethiopia.
Let us all join our wishes for the best out of 2023.

It is now 8 in the morning in Taiwan.
Let us all join our wishes for the best out of 2023.

home/ Bonafides

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