Meet the Finalists of the 2023 Lengthy Poem Contest
Including our tradition of a picture of our authors’ favorite chair.
FAN VOTING is still open until April 30th.
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Abdulrazaq Salihu, TPC I, is a Nigerian poet and member of the hilltop creative arts foundation. He won the Splendours of dawn poetry contest, BPKW poetry contest, Poetry archive poetry contest, Masks literary magazine poetry award, Nigerian prize for teen authors(poetry), Hilltop creative writing award, and others. He has his works published/forthcoming in Bracken, Poetry Quarter(ly), Rogue, B*k, Jupiter review, black moon magazine, Angime, Grub Street mag and elsewhere. He tweets @Arazaqsalihu; instagram: Abdulrazaq._salihu. He’s the author of Constellations (poetry) and hiccups (Prose).
Beata Stasak is a migrant from post-communist Eastern Europe, who settled in Perth, Western Australian in 1994. On the eve of the Velvet Revolution, Beata stood proudly with her two young children on the city square with other protesters, under the watchful eyes of army personnel with guns, waiting on order to shoot. Fortunately for them all, the communism fell apart peacefully. She teaches Art and Eastern European Languages in the South Perth Metropolitan area.
The poem that you are holding in your hands right now started as an idea during the recent lockdown with the aim to connect a group of female enthusiastic readers from not only Australia but from different parts of the world in a weekly online poetry share.

Tyson Canale is a hobbyist writer and Minnesota native who enjoys urban hiking, retro tech, and cats. His prehistory, when the world was without shape or memory, is a source of endless fascination. He developed writing and the arts in the archaic period of childhood, which progressed into a flourishing golden age where magic and wonder reigned. After a creative decline preceding his early modern period and subsequent dark age of the 30s, rebuilding efforts are now underway in a possible renaissance, and he anticipates an enlightenment following his middle ages. He is the 2017 winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest in the Purple Prose category.
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