Meet the Finalists for the 2023 !Short Story Contest!
including an image of our authors’ favorite chair– a tradition.
Stories post every Sunday through August.
Fan Voting begins August 20th.
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Cate Covert hails from sunny Idaho, U.S.A. She has been telling stories since she could talk. Cate has been a Christian pastor and teacher for 25 years, speaking, teaching, and writing bible class curricula. She is a gardener and amateur herbalist, plays guitar and piano, and loves baking bread and making beaded jewelry. Most of all, Cate Covert loves to engage her reading and listening audiences. You can read her frequent inspirational writings, poetry, flash fiction, and humorous stories at Cate Covert on or her Inspirational essays and bible studies at Pastora Cate’s Corner on Substack.
Muhammad Musa is a lawyer by profession and an avid fan of fiction regardless of the genre. Whenever his day job gives him an inch, he can be found reading lesser-known fiction books or writing his heart out. Musa finds peace in solitude and often finds his best ideas in a land of his own.

Nancy Cook is a writer and teaching artist currently living in St. Paul. She serves as flash fiction editor for Kallisto Gaia Press and also runs “The Witness Project,” a program of free community writing workshops in Minneapolis designed to enable creative work by underrepresented voices.
Mariana Busarova lives in Bulgaria in the Eastern part of Europe. She has written prose and poetry since she was a child. She publishes mostly on free Internet platforms and her own Facebook account, usually in Bulgarian. Some months ago, she started writing on in English because she wanted a larger audience for her pieces. She is married with two children and works as an accountant.

Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, in a home without books, Adrianne Aron is co-editor and chief translator of Writings for a Liberation Psychology, a collection ofessays by Ignacio Martín-Baró, one of the Jesuits murdered by the Salvadoran military in 1989. Pedro and the Captain, her English translation of Mario Benedetti’s acclaimed play about torture, has been performed on the London stage. A book of her essays, Human Rights and Wrongs: Reluctant Heroes Fight Tyranny, won the Sunshot Prize for Nonfiction, and her short fiction has won awards from New Millennium Writings, Writers Digest, Able Muse, the San Francisco Writers Conference, and the Jack London Writers Conference. Adrianne lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, home of many thousands of Central American refugees.
D’vorah Shaddai haunts Florida and is often haunted herself by the distant past, which is not so distant in terms of our common humanity. She is fascinated by tales of antiquity, spooky stories, and wild yarns. She holds a master’s degree in creative writing and also holds cats whenever they deem her worthy. D’vorah is currently composing a dark fantasy novel set in the Eastern Roman Empire. Find her at

Sarina Dorie has sold over 200 short stories to markets like Analog, Daily Science Fiction, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy Magazine, and Abyss and Apex. Her stories and published novels have won humor contests and Romance Writer of America awards. She has over eighty fantasy, science fiction, mystery, romance, and humor novels published, including her bestselling series, Womby’s School for Wayward Witches. By day, Sarina is an art teacher, artist, belly dance performer and instructor, copy editor, fashion designer, event organizer and probably a few other things. By night, she writes. As you might imagine, this leaves little time for sleep.
You can find info about her stories and novels on her website. Sign up for her newsletter to hear the latest news:
Garth Upshaw lives in Portland, Oregon with his fascinating wife and three less-fascinating but still fairly interesting chickens. His work has appeared in Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and other fine venues.

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