Meet the 2016 FLASH SUITE Finalists

favorite-chair-alonso-coronaLara Alonso Corona was born in a city in the north of Spain. She completed her Film and TV studies in Madrid before moving to London to study creative fiction. Her fiction has appeared online and in print in magazines like The Copperfield Review, Literary Orphans, Devilfish Review, Whiskey Island and recently in Betty Fedora.

Her Flash Suite, three bodies, will post Dec. 17th-19th.









37Geoffrey Miller has an MFA from City U in Hong Kong. His most recent fiction can be found in Apocrypha and Abstractions, Crack The Spine, Revolver, Ginosko Literary Journal, Pank, and The Journal of Micro Literature. Visually check out Paper Tape Magazine and Weave Magazine.

His Flash Suite, The Belvedere, will post Dec. 20th-22nd.



Paul.LewellanFor three decades Paul Lewellan taught creative writing and debate at Bettendorf High School.  For the last twelve years he has taught communication studies at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. His latest novel, Twenty-one Humiliating Demands, chronicles an aging assassin who retires to teach Atrocity Studies as small Mid-Western college.

His Flash Suite, Before the Shooting: five portraits, will post Dec. 23rd-27th.







12-12-15.2Evan Guilford-Blake writes plays, prose and poetry for adults and children. His published books include the comic mystery novel Noir(ish), the short story collection American Blues and the novel Animation, as well as the forthcoming middle-grade novel The Bluebird Prince and short story collection Love and Loss and Love. His work has also appeared in some 60 journals and anthologies, winning 23 awards; his plays have been performed internationally and won 43 playwriting competitions. Thirty are published.
He and his wife (and inspiration) Roxanna, a healthcare writer and jewelry designer, live in the southeastern US.

His Flash Suite, In the Realms of Light and Darkness: eight letters from war, will post Dec. 28th-Jan. 3rd.




more of the 2016 FLASH SUITE Contest

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