New Co-Editor Tara Campbell, and, 2020 Fall Schedule
Fan Voting for 2019 !Short Story Contest! has now closed
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Before announcing our fascinating
Fall Publication Schedule,
I simply must announce officially
our partnership with
New Co-Editor,
Tara Campbell
who will be reading submissions and co-selecting finalists
for future contests at , including
the 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
— submission now open until October 19th.

Tara Campbell— ‘s
new co-editor and resident “Mother of Dinos”– is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, and fiction editor at Barrelhouse. Prior publication credits include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Jellyfish Review, Booth, and Strange Horizons. She’s the author of a novel, TreeVolution; a hybrid fiction/poetry collection, Circe’s Bicycle; and a short story collection, Midnight at the Organporium. She received her MFA from American University in 2019.
Much more from Tara Campbell at:
So, without further delay, here’s our bi-urnal, then weekly
Fall Publication Schedule
only on :
Wednesday, August 21st–
Chicago Street Preacher, by Michael Lee Johnson
Friday, August 23rd–
Santuario Monserrate from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Sunday, August 25th–
Stray Dog Almost Hit by Truck from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Tuesday, August 27th–
Venezuelan Carumba Band from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Thursday, August 29th–
Getting lost in the Centro Comerciál from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Saturday, August 31st–
Granadilla Fruit from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Midnight on Sunday, September 1st– last chance for Fan Voting
Labor Day Monday, September 2nd– !Winners Announced!
Sunday, September 8th–
Crossing the Streets, Downtown from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Friday, September 13th–
We will spook you most spookily with a very special, very spooky special for you, most verily.
Sunday, September 15th–
Bogotanos in the Rain from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Sunday, September 22nd–
Libreria from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Sunday, September 29th–
A Coffeehouse in Candelaría from Atlas: vol. 1, Bogotá
Sunday, October 6th–
The Art of Sustaining a Still Popular Website in an Age of Social Media
Part 1.) The Broader Outlook at
Sunday, October 13th
The Art of Sustaining a Still Popular Website in an Age of Social Media
Part 2.) Display and Design at
Saturday, October 19th–
Close of Submission Period for 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
Sunday, October 20th–
The Art of Sustaining a Still Popular Website in an Age of Social Media
Part 3.) Content and Consistency at
Sunday, October 27th–
The Art of Sustaining a Still Popular Website in an Age of Social Media
Part 4.) Traffic and Capitalism
Thursday, October 31st–
eh, no real plans. Some excitement’ll happen, I’m sure.
Sunday, November 3rd–
(I will, probably, write a conclusion to this essay)
The Art of Sustaining a Still Popular Website in an Age of Social Media
December into January–
2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
So Keep Surfing Through,
All You Lovers of Literature,
throughout our 2019 Autumnal Season
Don’t forget to VOTE
More Exciting Content:
– The Art of Throwing People Out Windows
– Disability Narratives — but one part of Voices of the Disenfranchised
– Letters to Maria Coryatè
– So, You Wanna Understand T.S. Eliot’s “the Waste Land?”
About :
– Books and Bonafides
– Masthead
– Meet the Family
– Contribute Here

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