So you wanna be a Defenestrationist?

Carefully read the guidelines below,
and you may find an email address with which to submit.

Please consider submitting to our annual


[submission open July till October 19th, annually]


!Short Story Contest!

[submission open April till June 15th, annually]


Submit new material for our

Weekly Publication Schedule , posting in-between the contests.

[Spring publication submissions open from Labor Day (US) till January 1st, annually]

[Autumnal publication submission open February 1st till March 25th]

Do not hesitate to send

poems, stories, plays, photos, drawings,

or any multi-media you can imagine–

although Zombie Fiction will not be considered, all other Sci-Fi, Fantasy and stories of Dis-reality, provided it is imaginative and different, will.  We do not encourage work whose central theme is the braindead.

Remember defenestration must be involved.

Only the highest quality material will be accepted.

Please submit everything you wish us to consider in

  • a single rtf or word document [pdfs texts are difficult to transfer to our site]

with a cover sheet which includes:

  • name
  • phone number
  • brief bio in the third person
  • a portrait of your favorite chair, with-or-with-out you in it [our trademark]
  • any prior publication with date

And, if your work is overly abstract, please add

  • a succinct DEFENSE of how and in what ways your story is about throwing some one or things out windows.

Even if you do not submit to us today, we suggest you prepare the above, as this is probably good practice.

Or, just say hi to [required]

and [optional]

Not everyone will be accepted, but remember,

there are no value judgements in

the Defenestrationism reality.

thnx for surfing through, lovers of literature,

–Paul-Newell Reaves and eatstuf: the team

Check some of our favorites:
winner of 2016 !Short Story Contest! Billy Luck
from 2019 FLASH SUITE Contest, Tiger in a Suit

!what’s New!

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