ATLAS: vol. 1 Bogotá, CO– a Libería

A wide spread of García Marques greets the entree to this three-story bookstore. This is a small, crowded room, containing a table featuring Michelle Obama’s Mi Vida in translation to the Spanish, the cash registers, and ceiling high shelves– but the space opens wider once through the narrow archway to the rear left.

On the second floor, a whole case of Feminism in the Spanish: El Futuro es Femenino; Mujeres Que Dicen Verdades; Lola Vendetta by Raquel Riba Rossy; Mujeres de Uniforme. Immediately next to this is James Joyce Ulises in white and orange on black.

I ask for South American authors translated into English, and am redirected back to that first room. And, there, Conrads, Wildes, Twain’s Pudden’head Wilson!– the last five Harry Potters, and below that a stubby shelf of books in French.

I buy Vásquez, and am slightly surprised it costs COP 160,000,000 for only two books– about 70 bucks– until I remember how valuable books can be.

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