And the Winners Are…
What, what, what a contest. Through both plague and through unrest, Art has helped us suffer ever so slightly less.
Thnx, Art– we all owe you one.
(so submit again, next time, Lovers of Literature)
The Grand Prize Winner:
“MacDuffy Suite“
“Maple Leaf Souls“
View how the judges voted— including the excruciatingly exciting three way tie for Runner-up, decided by the Fan Vote’s Runner-up.
Read the suites.
And now, for your amazement,
some Traffic Numbers:
During Fan Voting, alone
from the wee hours of the morning on January 1st
till late-night Saturday last
772 unique IP addresses have hit us 3,667 times,
with a daily high– on January third–
of 479 views from 95 IPs.
And, Ladies and Gentlemen and those in-between and outside both,
from the first post of this Winter’s 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest, has received…
seven… thousand… seven-hundred… and fifty-one… site-visits
— in just over a month and a half.
Who’s responsible for this madcap affair?: Masthead
Join us all Spring as, presents,
a serialization in 14 parts, of
Christina Rauh Fishburne’s
The Bridge That Would Not Burn
–Published now– Week Four:
in which Charlotte slurps her tea, again, and does not ask Lt. Atchison if he found confederate treasure.
or, catch-up with the bustle of excitement, here.
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