An Invitation and an Update, One-Third through the 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
At one-third of the way through our contest,
here is a brief traffic update, followed by
a very special invitation
from all of us here at :
Since the day that our finalists were announced,
we have received 2,009 views
from 689 unique IPs,
with a high-water mark of 108 visits in one day.
!Be sure to join us for our Digital New Years party!
We will celebrate the dawn of 2020
with back-to-back posts of our scheduled pieces
at 11:55pm on December 31st and January 1st at 12:05am,
and festive posts before and after.
And aren’t we all lucky to have done it again, this year.
So however you celebrate our circumnavigation of the Sun
–whether with friends at some party, or, maybe,
at a bar surrounded by sexy strangers,
perhaps you prefer to be alone on this day,
or not celebrate at all–
surf on through
all night and into the morning.

Our sphere