Correction– One Further Day for Fan Voting in the 2020 !Short Story Contest!
Fan Voting is hot and heavy for the 2020 !Short Story Contest! Voting will end SATURDAY, September the 5th, at the stroke before midnight, Eastern Standard Time. As the last hours close in, here is an update:
With almost 3,000 votes cast, the top two stories have a dominant lead.
However, there are Three (3) prizes for the !Short Story Contest!– one Grand Prize and two Runners-Up. This is why every voter must choose more than one selection as each vote is cast.
And the third story to receive the runner-up Fan Vote is wide open.
So here’s the exciting bit. The difference between the remain six stories is less than 100 votes; between the top three contenders for the final spot, the difference is barely fifty votes; and at time of this posting, the top two are separated by a mere of six Fan Votes.
Time for your final choices. They will count.
And keep surfing through .
Vote Here

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