ATLAS: vol. 1 Austin, TX– 20 Bus
The cheerful and helpful woman with a Texas-size beehive hairdo– dyed a purplely black– directs you to the 20 Bus in the direction of the city. A single ride costs 1.25, while the full day pass is 2.50.
You’re the only passenger as it drives around the airport access roads and into the suburbs outside Austin, TX. But soon board passengers of all persuasions, dressed from shabby to sporty, all in their winter garb. One cowboy boards, long blonde hair dreaded down to his thighs, yellowed Stetson, jack knife clasped to his tan, loosely-fit jeans.
Across one block, between South Lakeshore drive and Manlove street, the strip-malls disappear, becoming outdoor sporting goods outlets and juice joints– empty lots replaced by potted palms and other succulent plants.
You ride almost an hour to the center of the city, and at Cesar Chavez avenue and East 3rd, you push the stop signal strip.
More from ATLAS: vol. 1 Austin, TX
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