In accordance with CLMP Contest code of ethics standards of visibility

(not sight/blindness, but see-throughness),

here is,

How the Judges Voted:

Our contests are judged by a four person panel, with two weeks of online fan voting counted as an additional judge vote.

Grand Prize votes are counted as two Runner-up votes.


How the Fans Voted:

with 62.2% of the Grand Prize votes: In the Realms of Light and Darkness

and with 40.4% of the Runner-up votes: In the Realms of Light and Darkness

and with 29.7% of the Runner-up votes: three bodies

(we allow fans to vote for two Runner-ups for exactly this reason, the Grand Prize winner often wins the Runner-up vote, as well)


And the Judges:

Christian McKay Heidicker:

Grand Prize: The Belvedere

Runner-up: Before the Shooting


Lady Moet Beast:

Grand Prize: In the Realms of Light and Darkness

Runner-up: Before the Shooting



Grand Prize: In the Realms of Light and Darkness

Runner-up: three bodies


Martha Hubbard:

Grand Prize: In the Realms of Light and Darkness

Runner-up: Before the Shooting



meet the judges

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