2023 FLASH SUITE Contest Winners
Not to waste a moment,
the Winner is:
Three Sisters
by Maggie Nerz Iribarne
and the Runner-Up:
Shards Picked from the Floorboards
by Malina Douglas
How the Judges Voted:
One Grand Prize vote counts as two Runner-Up votes. In the event of a draw, the Fan-Vote becomes the tie-breaker.
Glenn A. Bruce:
1st Prize: Shards Picked from the Floorboards
2nd: Three Sisters
Lady Moet Beast:
1st Prize: O Mangi Questa Minestra…
2nd: Northport
Aditya Gautam:
1st Prize: Marsh Creek Grievers
2nd: Three Sisters
Cedar Danger Block:
1st Prize: Shards Picked from the Floorboards
2nd: Northport
FAN VOTING: (view how the fans voted, here)
1st Prize: Three Sisters
2nd: Marsh Creek Grievers
So–with two 1st prize votes for “Shards”, resulting in four points, “Sisters” has two 2nd prize votes, plus a 1st prize vote, also resulting in four points. And Fan Voting decides all draws.
!Congrats to Maggie Nerz Iribarne and Malina Douglas!
as well as to all our finalists and submitters.
And thank you, Lovers of Literature,
just for surfing through.
Remember of next time, we do this every year.
more Contests on Defenestrationism.net

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