Winners of the 2024 FLASH SUITE Contest

Never one to waste a moment on ,

the Grand Prize winner is:
Half-Life Connections

However, there is a tie for Runner-Up,
so Fan Voting becomes the tie-breaker (see below).
Eking ahead is:
Three Tales of Rapture

And the Fan Favorites are:
Top Hat
Fragments of My Father

Here’s How the Judges Voted:
(each Grand Prize vote is worth two Runner-Up votes)

Glenn A. Bruce
Grand Prize: “Half-Life Connections”
Runner-Up: “Good and Faithful Servant”

Lady Moet Beast
Grand Prize: “Three Tales of Rapture”
Runner-Up: “Final Stop”

Aditya Gautam
Grand Prize: “Good and Faithful Servant”
Runner-Up: “Crow”

Allison Floyd
Grand Prize: “Half-Life Connections”
Runner Up: “Three Tales of Rapture”

Fan Vote (click here for all Voting Percentages)–
Grand Prize: Top Hat (35.38%)
Runner-Up: Fragments of My Father (25.94%)

Tie-Breaker Fan Vote:
Three Tales of Rapture” (1.65% total)
Good And Faithful Servant” (0.94% total)

!What a close contest!

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One Response to “Winners of the 2024 FLASH SUITE Contest”

  1. Concept Albums Explained: Frank’s Wild Years | Says:

    […] « Winners of the 2024 FLASH SUITE Contest […]

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