Virtual Halloweeeeen Party, 2021: Lady Moet Beast
! It’s the virtual Halloween Party!
Join us as we post new message across
the day of the eve of the Day of the Dead,
into the night, across the witching hour,
and even into the Day of the Dead, itself.
!No– it cannot be!
The witching hour continues on with
Lady Moet Beast
contest judge for the FLASH SUITE Contest.
Watch her transform into a superhero in this promo
Watch Moet and her husband, DC Ty the Monster, crank as
the Cruddy Crankerz
And catch all her wildness at:
Halloween is just a party, and parties weren’t meant to last.
I’m hoping we’ll have one more post
~~~~~~ from Beyond~~~~~~
Will we finish it in time?
For now, only the Day of the Dead knows.
Submission period for the
2022 FLASH SUITE Contest closes
the moment it is no longer November 1st, anywhere on Earth.

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