Sunday Night Ice-Skating
Off Johonstrabe is a public ice-rink. The center ice, cordoned off with red lines tieded to green posts, is for beginners, mostly toddlers stuttering across the ice. The outer ring has smoother skaters: couples holding hands; friendly pairs conversing; a trio— one man and two women— and individuals. These solitary skaters are the most talented, turning backwards, spinning. A skinny, young girl practices her double lutz.
On the far side from the entrance is a hockey rink, but no one plays. Indeed, this part of the rink is opened to general skating, open to the wider rink, this last night of the season. Skating lasts until 9pm and will not open again till next winter.
Tickets and skate rentals cost too much, so I sit in the adjoining bar, offering a fine view of the sport, drinking whiskey and pilsner beer long into the evening.
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