Michael Mohr is literary agent Elizabeth Kracht’s assistant (Kimberley Cameron & Associates). In addition to writing a regular blog ( about the ins and outs of the industry, Michael is a published author. His work can be found in Flash: The International Short Short Story Magazine; The MacGuffin; and others. His nonfiction can be found on the San Francisco Writers Conference Newsletter, and as a guest blogger in Writer’s Digest. He lives in Oakland, California.
Jenean McBrearty is a graduate of San Diego State University, a former community college instructor who taught Political Science and Sociology, and is finishing a certificate in Veteran Studies. Her fiction has been published in a slew of print and on-line journals including Cigale Literary Magazine, 100 Doors to Madness Anthology, Mad Swirl and The Moon, and her poetry has been accepted by Van Gogh’s Ear and Page & Spine. Her photographs have appeared in Foliate Oak Literary Journal and Off the Coast Magazine among others. Her novel, The 9th Circle was published by Barbarian Books.
Christian McKay has never published a story. Not on purpose. As he wanders through Salt Lake shrubbery, children listen to his mumblings, write them down, and then sell them at a profit to publications like Bewildering Stories, Danse Macabre, Well Told Tales, and Everyday Weirdness. Recently, he’s been mumbling about haunted foxes. He has just been offered representation for his first novel, about children that used to eat brains together.
K.J. Roby just sent her only son off to start his senior year of high school and is thrilled to have found something to focus on other than an upcoming empty-nest. She is a native Floridian and tries to spend as much time as possible reading and writing. Her poetry as been published in Newsletter for Writers produced by Clarity Works. This is her first published short-story.
Roger Hannigan Gilson was born in Baltimore, but grew up in Connecticut. He is a humor columnist for , and the majority of his writings can be found at .
Matt West is a graduate from Arcadia University, and is proud of never having a single creative writing class in his life. His girlfriend convinced him to pack up and leave Philadelphia for Austin Texas, and writes stories inside to avoid dying of heatstroke. His short fiction has received honorable mention in Allegory Magazine, and is ferociously seeking representation for his novels.
Svetlana Kortchik was born in a small Siberian town of Tomsk and, when she was 16, moved to Australia with her mum. She lives in Sydney, working as a computer programmer. Her passions are writing, travelling, history and martial arts. Her work has appeared in Spark Creative Anthology, Alt Hist Magazine and Forging Freedom Anthology, among others.

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