September 11th, 20 years agone
A somber and ponderous 20th anniversary to one and all. On this day, still, I remember.
I remember panic and confusion.
I remember heavy traffic: on the internet, first– could not load; and then on the roadways– even the side streets bumper-to-bumper.
I remember forgetting how to read the little clock in the bottom right hand of Windows XP.
I remember payphone calls, overheard: “Do you know who my father is?” and severably, “His meeting was moved to another building.”
I remember what we then called leadership. And I remember what we then called heroism.
It wouldn’t be early Autumn without staring placidly into the skyscape. I remember when I did not experienced chills at the sight of a low flying jetliner.
I will remember until there is nothing of me to remember.
— Paul-Newell Reaves

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