Presenting our 2015 FLASH SUITE judges
We are pleased to present our judges for the
2015 FLASH SUITE Contest adheres strictly to CLMP contest ethical models of visibility (not of sight/blindness, of see-through-ness).
Our contests are judged by a four person panel, with two weeks of online fan voting counted as an additional judge vote. Finalists are selected by ed., publisher, owner Paul-Newell Reaves, and monitor, ed. eatstuf. In the event of judge and fan votes being equal, Paul-Newell Reaves becomes tie-breaker.
Introducing our Judges:
The winner of our 2013 !Short Story Contest!
Christian McKay
has been published in journals the likes of Bewildering Stories, Danse Macabre, Well Told Tales, and Everyday Weirdness.
Singer, rapper, radio-host
Lady Moet,
calls herself the Beast from Southeast D.C. and is co-host of the Cruddy Corner on Cruddy Rite Radio , broadcasting Tuesdays 8-12pm, Eastern Standard Time. Read about her life in music, here. Her current musical project, the Cruddy Crankerz, co-stars her husband Ty “the Monster”.
A.B.W. graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in English. Among other jobs he has worked as a boat captain in Maine, a Military Policeman in Germany, a brokerage clerk in Philadelphia and New York, and restaurant owner and bartender in Washington, DC.
Martha Hubbard lives on an island in the North Baltic, off the coast of Estonia. A place of strange gods, mysteries, tragedies and wonder, it provides the perfect bed-rock for a writer of dark fantasy. Her stories have appeared in the Innsmouth Free Press’ anthologies, Historical Lovecraft. Candle in the Attic Window and Future Lovecraft and Lisette’s Tales of the Imaginary. She has also served on the jury for the annual ARESFFT (The Association for Recognition of Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation) award, as well as regularly reviewing books on her own Live Journal blog: http://saare-snowqueen.
Fan Voting begins January 3rd, once all FLASH SUITES are posted, and ends January 17th.
Winners announced January 19th, MLK Day (US)

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