!New Years Party 2020!
!Happy New Year Greenwich, London England! (which is witch-ily pronounced “Grin-ich”– due to a phonetical process known as wyn-dropping.)
This, of course, means it is 2020 in Dublin, Ireland, in Lisbon, Portugal, and in the Ghanan city of Accra.
And it has been 2020 for over an hour throughout most of Europe– including Vienna, Austria, Prague in the Czech-Republic, Berlin, Germany, and Paris France– as well as across much of Africa, Algiers, Algeria, and Casablanca, Morocco, and (to get sub-Saharan on your celebratory butts) Lagos, Nigeria.
!Festive New Year to all! Check in again in four hours as we continue the festival when 2020 hits Brazil.
And do not fail to surf through at 11:55 Eastern and 12:05– or soon afterwards, when you remember– for our back-to-back publications from the FLASH SUITE Contest.
Go Straight to the 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest
and here are some of our favorites from previous contests:
“Tiger in a Suit” by Chantelle Tibbs
“Billy Luck” by DC Diamondopolous
more exciting content
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