New Year’s 2021 Party at
!Hoorah!– 2021 has breached continental Europe and Africa.
There are mere hours till FAN VOTING begins
for the 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest–
so read the stories, here.
The party will continue on
in three hours, as we welcome 2021 to
Brazil, Iceland, and parts of Argentina and Uruguay
To bide your time until then,
here is an interview featuring Paul-Newell Reaves
— in which he talks about success as owner and co-editor
along some practical advice on brand-growing.
Many, many thanks to the fantastic interviewer,
Suvi Mahonen–
one of the contest judges for our !Short Story Contest!
A few cities just liberated by 2021:
Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
Douglas on the Isle of Mann
Timbuktu in Mali
London in England
Dublin in Ireland
You are running out of time to submit to
Lengthy Poem Contest– you only have until
it is no longer January 1st, anywhere on Earth.

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