Meet the 2019 FLASH SUITE Contest Finalists
with an intimate photo in her, his, or their favorite chair
— a trademark.
M.T. Ingoldby works as a copywriter in the UK. His stories have appeared in The Pennsylvania Literary Journal, The Next Review, the Lowestoft Chronicle (x2), Existeré, Octavius, Crimson Streets, Story & Grit, and one or two anthologies, working his way up to a novel. He is an active member of the Waterloo Theatre Group, and a keen runner. He currently lives in London.
Despite being born to two parents who are writers, Chantelle Tibbs’ writing journey didn’t begin until her late twenties. She started life off as an actress and a musician. Finding some of the roles for women of color limiting, she began writing stories, scripts and songs from her own unique experience and perspective. In 2016 she co-wrote the script “Shrine of Scars” which was published about in February 2016 and January 2017 in the Modesto Bee. Whether singing, acting, writing or cleaning the bathroom on the set of an independent film she is passionate about, Chantelle strives to break patterns, untying the shoelaces of monotony and routine while helping to open the door for people to experience so much more out of life. She is an Aries, she enjoys post-apocalyptic movies, forensic science shows and her golden, five year old son, Kai.
Katharine McGiffert has been a university teacher of children’s literature, a zookeeper, and an ESL instructor and is now a book buyer for a children’s bookstore in San Francisco. She also has been crazy and sane, sick and healthy, and a writer and a non-writer. She has 29 pets, most of them small.
Tracy Davidson lives in Warwickshire, England, and writes poetry and flash fiction. Her work has appeared in various publications and anthologies, including: Poet’s Market, Mslexia, Atlas Poetica, Writers Digest, Modern Haiku, The Binnacle, A Hundred Gourds, Shooter, Journey to Crone, The Great Gatsby Anthology, WAR and In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights.
Dina Toyoda came to the United States many years ago. She started to write just recently. Dina and her husband, Takahumi, live in California, where they patiently wait for their kids to come home from college.
John Steckley taught at Humber College in Toronto for 30 years before he retired in 2015. He has published 21 books of non-fiction, including textbooks in sociology, anthropology and Indigenous Studies, several biographies and seven works concerning the Wendat and Wyandot people. His house is a menagerie, with eight parrots, two dogs and a cat. He is married to a woman who is a brilliant artist, and shares his passion for animals. He currently works part time at the Tribal Linguist of the Wyandotte of Oklahoma. He started writing short stories when he retired, and wishes he had started doing that years earlier.
Levi Andrew Noe was born and raised in Denver, CO. He is a writer, wanderer, yogi, entrepreneur, and amateur oneironaut. His flash fiction collection Rain Check was published in August 2016 from Truth Serum Press. His flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction and works of poetry can be found in Connotation Press, Boston Literary Magazine, Bartleby Snopes and Literary Orphans, among many others. Levi is the editor in chief and founder of the podcast Rocky Mountain Revival Audio Art Journal.
Twitter: @LeviAndrewNoe, @RockyMtnRevival
W.F. Lantry’s poetry collections are The Terraced Mountain (Little Red Tree 2015), The Structure of Desire (Little Red Tree 2012) winner of a 2013 Nautilus Award in Poetry, The Language of Birds (2011) and a forthcoming collection, The Book of Maps. He received his PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Houston. Honors include the National Hackney Literary Award in Poetry, CutBank Patricia Goedicke Prize, Crucible Editors’ Poetry Prize, Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Prize (Israel), Comment Magazine Poetry Award (Canada), Paris/Atlantic Young Writers Award (France), Old Red Kimono Paris Lake Poetry Prize and Potomac Review Prize. His work has appeared widely online and in print in journals such as Asian Cha, Gulf Coast and Valparaiso Fiction Review. He is the editor of Peacock Journal.
Fan voting begins January 8th-20th.
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December 3rd, 2018 at 9:25 am
Although, acrylic durable it is not recommend for high traffic situations (it crushes under
wear as compared to other carpet fibers).
If someone in your household comes with a especially troubling
condition like COPD, as an example, it may be best to stay
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December 3rd, 2018 at 9:26 am
Although, acrylic durable it is not recommend for high traffic situations (it crushes
under wear as compared to other carpet fibers).
If someone in your household comes with a especially troubling condition like COPD, as an example, it may be best to stay with hardwood floors.
Once or each, I recommend that you simply shampoo
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