Letters to Maria Coryaté: Part XXI. [postmark: June 2nd, 2016]
Hi, Patrick.
I’m writing to tell you that I’m now engaged to be married. I appreciate you writing me though. It’s nice to know someone cares about me. Especially someone hurt like us.
Jacob is a biologist, and I’ve been living with him since August. He’s nice and quiet and sweet and he loves me. And I love him and I want to marry him. And he does make me laugh, a lot. And has many potted plants. You developed my capacity to care again, but he was here when I needed him. I love him for that.
I don’t know how to ask you this, so I’ll just say it, will you come to me? I saved your letters. I saved your letters, and I want to see you before I’m married. Will you? Will you?
Jacob is strong for me, and I need that. I just can’t I need to see you, will you? Will you please?
Maria (still) Coryaté
P.S. hehe, if you never learn arabic like you said you wanted to, my final words in this letter will forever remain a mystery: aqref jamaalati
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