Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois has had over eight hundred of his poems and fictions appear in literary magazines in the U.S. and abroad. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for work published in 2012, 2013, and 2014. His novel, Two-Headed Dog, based on his work as a clinical psychologist in a state hospital, is available for Kindle and Nook, or as a print edition. He lives in Denver.
USA: highest incarceration rate
per capita on Planet Earth
Milwaukee: highest rate in the USA
My family: highest in Milwaukee
I’m the only member who retains freedom
and I’m sitting next to a woman
with overmedicated blue eyes
eyes that want to swim off her face
like gulf clams
watching an overhyped superhero movie
in 3D
In the row in front of me
a white trash couple has brought their
The world is destroyed
a thousand times
and the kid starts wailing
The father threatens him
I tell the father to shut up
The usher’s intervention makes things worse
I should not have gone to an overhyped
superhero movie in 3D with a woman with
ghostly blue eyes
because now
I have joined my family
in the arms of incarceration

November 22nd, 2015 at 6:54 am
So sorry to hear you were persecuted like this. The laws and views on mujriaana are changing. I pray to God justice gets served and you get out to be with your family. You have done way to much time. Lock up real criminals. God Bless! Stay positive there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
November 25th, 2015 at 12:50 pm
Thank you for your support and your comment. Come back, real soon, ya hear…