How the Judges Voted in the 2022 !Short Story Contest!

Our Four Judges each cast a vote for Grand Prize winner and two Runner-Ups. A Grand Prize vote counts as two Runner-Up votes.

The FAN VOTE counts equally with the Judge Votes, whomever receives the most votes receives a Grand Prize vote, and whomever receives the second and third most both receive a single Runner-Up vote.

FAN VOTING decides any ties.

Suvi Mahonen
1st: If Anything Changes
Batwoman on the Brink
50 Miles South of Disney

Lady Moet Beast
1st: 50 Miles South of Disney
Batwoman on the Brink
Precious Package

Aditya Gautam
1st: 50 Miles South of Disney
The Pingbell Arena
Dream Valuation

Glenn A. Bruce:
1st: The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved
The Moth
Dream Valuation

1st: If Anything Changes (1619)
Runner-Ups: Dream Valuation (667)
Batwoman on the Brink (665)

Totals Tallying To:

“The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved” received a Grand Prize vote from Glenn A. Bruce,
resulting in a total of 2 points.

“Dream Valuation” received a Runner-Up vote from Aditya Gautam and Glenn A. Bruce and 667 FANS,
resulting in a total of 3 points (in case of a tie, FAN VOTE decides the winner).

“Precious Package” received a Runner-Up vote from Lady Moet Beast,
resulting in a total of 1 point.

The Moth received a Runner-Up vote from Glenn A. Bruce,
resulting in a total of 1 points.

“Batwoman on the Brink” received Runner-Up votes from Suvi Mahonen, Lady Moet Beast and 665 FANS,
resulting in a total of 3 points (in case of a tie, FAN VOTE decides the winner).

“The Pingbell Arena” received a Runner-Up vote from Aditya Gautam,
resulting in a total of 1 point.

“50 Miles South of Disney” received a Grand Prize vote from Lady Moet Beast and Aditya Gautam, as well as a Runner-Up vote from Suvi Mahonen,
resulting in a total of 5 points.

“If Anything Changes” received a Grand Prize vote from Suvi Mahonen and 1619 FANS,
resulting in a total of 4 points.

FAN VOTING Specifics

“If Anything Changes” by Ross West = 1619 votes)
“Dream Valuation” by Lucy Zhang = 667 votes)
“Batwoman on the Brink” by Ginger Dehlinger = 665 votes)
“50 Miles South of Disney” by Steve Loiaconi = 648 votes)
“Precious Package” by Greg Nooney = 637 votes
“Pingbell Arena” by Brad Kelechava = 633 votes
“The Moth” by Robert Bagnall = 585 votes
“The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved” by Bobby Harrell = 126 votes

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