How the Judges Voted, 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest
Our contests are judged by our four Judge Panel, with two weeks of online Fan Voting counted as an additional Judge vote.
One Grand Prize vote counts as two Runner-Up votes.
In the event of a draw, the fan-vote becomes the tie-breaker.
Glenn A. Bruce:
Grand Prize: “When A Maenad…”
Runner-up: “Tribute to Jan Masaryk with Love and Gravitas”
Moet Beast:
Grand Prize: “MacDuffy Suite”
Runner-up: “Plain Old Magic”
Aditya Gautam:
Grand Prize: “Plain Old Magic”
Runner-up: “Tribute to Jan Masaryk with Love and Gravitas”
Ceder Block:
Grand Prize: “Maple Leaf Souls”
Runner-up: “When A Maenad…”
and, the FAN VOTE:
Grand Prize: “MacDuffy Suite”
Runner-up: “Maple Leaf Souls”
To save you counting on your fingers, to this point,
“MacDuffy Suite” has a deciding victory,
THREE (3) suites are tied for Runner-up:
in order of publication,
“Plain Old Magic”
“When A Maenad…”
“Maple Leaf Souls”
Please recall, that in the event of a draw,
the Fan Vote becomes the tie-breaker.
What a contest.
Each vote cast results in two choices in the poll, hence the out-of-sync percentages points.

Meet the Judges.
Read the Flash Suites.
Back to And the Winners Are…
Who’s responsible for this madcap affair?: Masthead
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