Have you Voted for your Favorite Enough?
as well as, Traffic Numbers this week
With less than eight days left to Fan Voting,
–which ends next Sunday, September 1st, at 11:59 P.M. Eastern–
the leader has well over 400 votes,
with two others nipping sharply at its figurative hooves.
Three more finalists are but a horse length away,
and the other two are certainly not out of contention.
Fan Voting is not even half way over,
so the question remains–
Have you Voted for your Favorite Enough?
Vote Now, somewhere around
<————- here.
It is now time for,
More Exciting Traffic Numbers:
In this very last week, since Fan Voting began, Monday past,
as of, oh, 12:44 A.M. Eastern, Sunday the 25th of August, 2019,
we have received 1,105 hits
from 258 unique IPs.
Specifically: what traffic has not gone to the Contest
or the !What’s New! publication scroll
has visited our Books, Bonafides/ home some 15 time.
The ever popular Angels and Blueberries—
written by our New Co-editor extraordinaire Tara Campbell for
Defenestrationism.net ‘s own special publication Complex Fairytales
— has 30 hits by its own self, this week, alone.
Our upcoming contest–
submission now open until October 19th–
the 2020 FLASH SUITE Contest has 46 visits. So SUBMIT NOW!
Intriguingly, 11 of you very special Lovers of Literature
checked out the Scope of High Modernism: Eliot’s the Wasteland.
What do you suppose they found there?
You might only wonder.
Or, you may click the burgundy links above to find out.

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