Concept Albums Explained
by Paul-Newell Reaves
Somewhere In Time
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden gets my vote for the most evil rock’n’roll band in all of history.
Their band name comes from the 18th-century instrument of torture, wherein a person is encased in a metal shell, but the insides are lined by sharp spikes– now that’s evil. The band’s live performances feature actual sword fighting with giants– freakin’ cool type evil. Then their mascot, dubbed Eddie the Head, is a crazed zombie who appears on every single one of their album covers– that’s a scary level of evil, an omnipresent crazed zombie. Then their sound, it’s kind of like Glam Rock– which is already evil in a vile way– but Iron Maiden is evil Glam Rock– making it evil^evil (evil to the power of evil).
Their “Somewhere In Time” album– released in the middle of a trio of albums which some fans consider their best work, though many fans consider their sell-out point, “Powerslave”, before, and “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son”, after – is some sort of weird, wild, and very, very evil time-travel machine.
But this time machine clearly isn’t functioning correctly[read more]
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