Autumnal Traffic Numbers
We do hope you have enjoyed our early fall content from Marianne Peel,
A Gift from Zhino, the Kurdish Translator at Kara Tepe Refugee Camp
Still Life
We are ecstatic to share some traffic numbers:
Our readership has rebounded sharply since our Spring contest–
seems our Lengthy Poem Contest was not overly popular, or perhaps,
we just weren’t surfing the internet all that much during a Spring of such high hopes–
and we can boast of
2,932 visits in the last four weeks,
with an average of 105 hits a day.
In the last week alone, 758 hits from 379 unique IPs.
With a daily high of 289 page views on October 8th.
Don’t miss our Halloween Party,
as we post all day and across the witching hour,
even into the wee hours of the Day of the Dead
— music videos–
poem readings–
publication updates–
and special messages from our site staff, our contest judges, and
~~~from beyond~~~

Our sphere