Announcing the Winners of the 2024 !Short Story Contest!

What a contest, everyone, what a contest.

Never one to waste an instant, the winners are:

Grand Prize: the Burn

Runner-Ups: “My Dog Dies Today” & “In Hot Water”

We had a tie for first place, so, as always, the Fan Vote was the tie breaker.

How the Judges Voted: (a Grand Prize vote is worth two Runner Up votes)

Glenn A. Bruce: Grand Prize– “the Burn”, Runner Ups– “My Dog Dies Today” & “In Hot Water.”

Lady Moet Beast: Grand Prize– “In Hot Water”, Runner Ups– “Leopardus” & “My Dog Dies Today”

Aditya Guatum: Grand Prize– “My Dog Dies Today”, Runner Ups— “Feng’s Way” & “the Burn”

Fan Vote: Grand Prize– “60 S 150 W”, Runner Ups– “Leopardus” & a tie between “the Burn” and “Frozen Asset” (both were awarded a runner-up vote)

back to the 2024 !Short Story Contest!

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