Virtual Halloweeeeen Party, 2021: Tara Campbell
! It’s the virtual Halloween Party!
Join us as we post new message across
the day of the eve of the Day of the Dead,
into the night, across the witching hour,
and even into the Day of the Dead, itself.
The witching hour is upon us.
The spells are cast.
The first ones will now be last.
All though I haven’t asked,
I’m pretty sure neither of these women that have updates for us within the next hour on would at all mind being all powerful witches–
unless their witchery is already steadfast.
Tara Campbell,
Editorial Advisor, Mother of Dinos
and submissions reader for the !Short Story Contest!
presents her newest release:
And don’t miss her launch interview with the Writers Center of Washington, DC:
Do not fail to keep surfing through
for special messages from our
contest judges, our co-editors, and
~~~~ from beyond~~~~
The witching hour has not ended,
Lady Moet Beast
contest judge for the FLASH SUITE Contest
has a new music and videos for us.
Are you scared yet?
Don’t be,
we’re all treats tonight
Submission period for the
2022 FLASH SUITE Contest closes
the moment it is no longer November 1st, anywhere on Earth.

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