How the Judges Voted for 2021 !SSC!

Each Grand Prize vote counts as two Runner-Up votes.
There was a tie for second Runner-Up in Fan Voting, so both got one-half a vote.
Meet the Judges

Grand Prize: “Safe Air
Two Runner-Ups: “Snow” and “The Last Will and Testament of Reginald von Elbin

Grand Prize: “Echo of Hollow Hooves.”
Two Runner-Ups: “Turning Back the Clock” and “Safe Air

Grand Prize: “Safe Air
Two Runner-Ups: “Variants on a Theme and Nukes for Breakfast.

Grand Prize: “Snow
Two Runner-Ups: “Nukes for Breakfast” and “Safe Air.”

Grand Prize: “Safe Air” 39 votes
Contiguity” 37 votes
Snow” & “Echo of Hollow Hooves” both with 28 votes.

Here’re the results of Fan Voting:
Remember, each vote cast results in three votes, hence the screwy percentages…

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