Strong Traffic as We Wrap our Autumn Publications
Greatings Lovers of Literature;
A reminder, the submission period for our 2021 FLASH SUITE Contest is open for but a handful more hours, to close the instant that it is no longer November 1st anywhere on Earth.
Be sure to surf through next week for the final publication of our Autumn lineup, “the Princess of Woe” by L. Rose Reed. Our editorial advisor, Tara Campbell, spoke of the piece as so: “the language of legends, and the epic sweep of the quest… It’s a beautifully sad sentiment.”
Meanwhile, traffic numbers remain high, here at .
In this last, sole week of the contest reading period, 516 unique IP addresses surfed on through, visiting us a total of 1,066 times. Impressive for one week. Most impressive.
I’m pleased to say that one of Tara’s own stories has been trending all this month– “Angels and Blueberries“, first published in a collaborative work exclusively on , Complex Fairy Tales. “Angels and Blueberries” has received 376 views from 294 IP addresses in the last seven days, alone, with 2,060 hits from 1,066 IPs since the end of September. Repeated visits are well and good, they mean an IP address is returning and rereading; but many, many IP’s can mean that that many pairs of eyeballs (/earbuds/fingertips) reading for a first time.
Be sure to catch her newest book, “Political AF: a Rage Collection”. In one of these installments, Campbell manages to turn Cauliflower into a vehicle for commentary on a racialized society. And if you other vegetables would get off your couches this week, we might see some substantive change to it.
Let’s hope so.
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