The Case Notes of P.I. James: Case Notes
by John Steckley
“Used to run my dog here…fields and rabbits, freedom and fun.
The old house is all that remains of that time. I drive up beside it. I case the joint.
Knocked on the door. Bell didn’t work. “Coming” could be heard close but sounding far away. The door soon opens. “Come in” says the woman. I’ve had warmer invitations, but I know I am welcome. They want were to put their faith in me.
We go into the living room and sit. Strong tea and homemade biscuits. They tell stories about tools taken from the shed, ketchup sprayed on windows, shingles ripped off the roof. They mention lack of response by the police.
I give them my price. Not a flinch. They have money. I tell them what I plan to do. The shed has two small windows. Big enough for me to watch out for vandals. I will park my car at a friend’s place, not far away, then walk back here.
I will hole up in the shed at night, detecting and photographing the suspects. I figured they are just kids with too much time and too little supervision.
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