2022 !Short Story Contest! Winners
What a contest.
Every single story got a Judge Vote, and
our second runner up was decided by 2 FAN VOTES.
Never one to waste time:
Grand Prize Winner:
50 Miles South of Disney
Runner Ups:
If Anything Changes
Dream Valuation
View How the Judges Voted
but here’s the recap:
the Judge voting was extremely varied, none of them voted the same– and every story got at least one Judge Vote. That often doesn’t happen.
“50 Miles South of Disney” got votes from three Judges, including two Grand Prizes. A clear winner.
“If Anything Changes” ran off with the FAN VOTE– 1619 votes were cast for it, more than double that of any other story. Although only one of the Judging Panel gave it a vote, they selected it for the Grand Prize. “If Anything Changes” also has two Grand Prize votes, easily in as a Runner-Up.
As FAN VOTING came to its conclusion, the suspense quickly rose. By Judging Panel alone, there were three contenders: “The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved” had a Grand Prize vote, while “Dream Valuation” and “Batwoman on the Brink” each had two Runner-Up votes. All three were tied in contention for the final Runner-Up spot.
The voting closed. “Dream Valuation” had 667 votes, and “Batwoman on the Brink” had 665, while “The Advantage is Decadent and Depraved” had 127. “Dream Valuation” and “Batwoman on the Brink” were still tied, both with three equal Runner-Up votes.
But, in the case of a tie, FAN VOTING settles the draw. “Dream Valuation” was our second Runner-Up. By two votes. Wowweee.
Thanks for joining us, Lovers of Literature.
Keep surfing through for our Autumnal publication lineup, posting
every Sunday, usually around 3pm EST.
And remember us next time
— we do this every year.
How the Judges Voted
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