2017 FLASH SUITE Contest Winners

Welcome to defenestrationism reality.


We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 FLASH SUITE Contest, only on defenestrationism.net .


First, the Fan vote:

with 81% of the first place Fan Voting,

Disarticulated Life by William R. Soldan


and with 54% of the second place Fan Voting,

Sometimes We Are What We Seem, but Other Times We Are Something Else by Ingrid Jendrzejewski.


And the Grand Prize Winner, by four Judge vote plus Fan Voting is

Sometimes We Are What We Seem, but Other Times We Are Something Else by Ingrid Jendrzejewski


and the Runner-Up,

Disarticulated Life by William R. Soldan


View How the Judges Voted

read the finalists



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